PC Study Bible (remove only)
A way to uninstall PC Study Bible (remove only) from your computer
This web page is about PC Study Bible (remove only) for Windows. Below you can find details on how to uninstall it from your computer. Usually the PC Study Bible (remove only) program is found in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files folder, depending on the user's option during install. The application's main executable file is labeled PCSBclean.exe and it has a size of 88.00 KB (90112 bytes).
The following executables are installed alongside PC Study Bible (remove only). They take about 34.67 MB (
36355744 bytes) on disk.
- PCSBclean.exe (88.00 KB)
- PCSBoff.exe (285.00 KB)
- java-rmi.exe (32.78 KB)
- java.exe (141.78 KB)
- javacpl.exe (57.78 KB)
- javaw.exe (141.78 KB)
- javaws.exe (153.78 KB)
- jbroker.exe (81.78 KB)
- jp2launcher.exe (22.78 KB)
- jqs.exe (149.78 KB)
- jqsnotify.exe (53.78 KB)
- keytool.exe (32.78 KB)
- kinit.exe (32.78 KB)
- klist.exe (32.78 KB)
- ktab.exe (32.78 KB)
- orbd.exe (32.78 KB)
- pack200.exe (32.78 KB)
- policytool.exe (32.78 KB)
- rmid.exe (32.78 KB)
- rmiregistry.exe (32.78 KB)
- servertool.exe (32.78 KB)
- ssvagent.exe (29.78 KB)
- tnameserv.exe (32.78 KB)
- unpack200.exe (129.78 KB)
- Set-up.exe (789.45 KB)
- AcrobatUpdater.exe (311.91 KB)
- AdobeARM.exe (915.94 KB)
- ReaderUpdater.exe (311.91 KB)
- CS6ServiceManager.exe (1.02 MB)
- dynamiclinkmanager.exe (510.69 KB)
- Adobe QT32 Server.exe (899.19 KB)
- amecommand.exe (273.19 KB)
- dynamiclinkmediaserver.exe (892.69 KB)
- ImporterREDServer.exe (1.12 MB)
- UDMT.exe (40.12 KB)
- PDapp.exe (2.02 MB)
- Setup.exe (117.35 KB)
- TokenGenerator64.exe (116.16 KB)
- PlatformUtil.exe (28.35 KB)
- Setup.exe (504.35 KB)
- Adobe_Helperx32.exe (1.54 MB)
- Adobe_Helperx64.exe (2.10 MB)
- CustomHook_Helperx64.exe (336.67 KB)
- TokenResolverx64.exe (81.17 KB)
- Adobe_Helperx32.exe (1.54 MB)
- Adobe_Helperx64.exe (2.10 MB)
- CustomHook_Helperx64.exe (334.85 KB)
- TokenResolverx64.exe (78.85 KB)
- Setup.exe (374.85 KB)
- TokenGenerator64.exe (116.16 KB)
- AAM Registration Notifier.exe (261.66 KB)
- adobe_licutil.exe (349.84 KB)
- AAM Registration Notifier.exe (255.16 KB)
- adobe_licutil.exe (1.61 MB)
- AAM Updates Notifier.exe (288.66 KB)
- AAMLauncher.exe (393.43 KB)
- Adobe Application Manager (Updater).exe (2.12 MB)
- LogTransport2.exe (480.44 KB)
- updaterstartuputility.exe (435.93 KB)
- SwitchBoard.exe (504.98 KB)
- Adobe AIR Application Installer.exe (126.38 KB)
- Adobe AIR Updater.exe (99.88 KB)
- airappinstaller.exe (52.38 KB)
- template.exe (58.00 KB)
- APSDaemon.exe (42.82 KB)
- defaults.exe (33.32 KB)
- distnoted.exe (23.82 KB)
- plutil.exe (24.32 KB)
- VersionCheckMe.exe (15.32 KB)
- AppleMobileBackup.exe (42.32 KB)
- AppleMobileDeviceHelper.exe (42.32 KB)
- AppleMobileDeviceService.exe (42.32 KB)
- AppleMobileSync.exe (42.32 KB)
- AppleSyncMapiInterfaceHelper_x64.exe (110.32 KB)
- ATH.exe (42.32 KB)
- com.apple.IE.client.exe (42.32 KB)
- com.apple.Outlook.client.exe (42.32 KB)
- com.apple.Safari.client.exe (41.38 KB)
- com.apple.WindowsContacts.client.exe (42.32 KB)
- com.apple.WindowsMail.client.exe (41.38 KB)
- MDCrashReportTool.exe (42.32 KB)
- Mingler.exe (42.32 KB)
- SyncDiagnostics.exe (42.32 KB)
- syncli.exe (42.32 KB)
- SyncPlanObserver.exe (42.32 KB)
- SyncServer.exe (42.32 KB)
- SyncUIHandler.exe (42.32 KB)
- upgradedb.exe (42.32 KB)
- InnovativeSolutions_monitor_Svr.exe (1.02 MB)
- DotNetInstaller.exe (5.50 KB)
- ISBEW64.exe (62.00 KB)
- pipanel.exe (7.50 KB)
- TabTip32.exe (20.69 KB)
- msinfo32.exe (314.00 KB)
- CMigrate.exe (4.83 MB)
- VSTOInstaller.exe (80.64 KB)
- drvins64.exe (68.27 KB)
- pxcpya64.exe (68.27 KB)
- pxinsa64.exe (68.77 KB)
...click to view all...
If you are manually uninstalling PC Study Bible (remove only) we recommend you to verify if the following data is left behind on your PC.
Registry keys:- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\PC Study Bible
How to erase PC Study Bible (remove only) with the help of Advanced Uninstaller PRO
Sometimes, users want to uninstall it. This can be easier said than done because performing this manually requires some advanced knowledge regarding removing Windows applications by hand. One of the best QUICK practice to uninstall PC Study Bible (remove only) is to use Advanced Uninstaller PRO. Take the following steps on how to do this:
1. If you don't have Advanced Uninstaller PRO on your PC, install it. This is good because Advanced Uninstaller PRO is an efficient uninstaller and all around utility to maximize the performance of your PC.
DOWNLOAD NOW- navigate to Download Link
- download the program by clicking on the DOWNLOAD button
- set up Advanced Uninstaller PRO
2. Start Advanced Uninstaller PRO. Take some time to get familiar with the program's interface and wealth of tools available. Advanced Uninstaller PRO is a very useful system utility.
3. Click on the General Tools category

4. Activate the Uninstall Programs button

5. All the programs installed on the computer will be made available to you
6. Navigate the list of programs until you locate PC Study Bible (remove only) or simply activate the Search feature and type in "PC Study Bible (remove only)". If it exists on your system the PC Study Bible (remove only) program will be found very quickly. Notice that after you select PC Study Bible (remove only) in the list of applications, some information regarding the application is available to you:
- Star rating (in the lower left corner). The star rating tells you the opinion other users have regarding PC Study Bible (remove only), ranging from "Highly recommended" to "Very dangerous".
- Opinions by other users - Click on the Read reviews button.
- Details regarding the program you want to remove, by clicking on the Properties button.
7. Press the Uninstall button. A confirmation page will show up. accept the removal by clicking the Uninstall button. Advanced Uninstaller PRO will automatically uninstall PC Study Bible (remove only).

8. After removing PC Study Bible (remove only), Advanced Uninstaller PRO will offer to run an additional cleanup. Click Next to perform the cleanup. All the items that belong PC Study Bible (remove only) that have been left behind will be found and you will be able to delete them. By removing PC Study Bible (remove only) with Advanced Uninstaller PRO, you are assured that no registry entries, files or directories are left behind on your computer.
Your system will remain clean, speedy and ready to serve you properly.
Geographical user distribution
Users that installed PC Study Bible (remove only):
 | Ghana | 100% |
Software Application
Last update on: 2015-01-16 14:05:35.130