
Anak Mandiri - Aku Baik Banget 2.0.4 Anak Mandiri - Aku Baik Banget 2.0.4

A guide to uninstall Anak Mandiri - Aku Baik Banget 2.0.4 from your computer

You can find below details on how to uninstall Anak Mandiri - Aku Baik Banget 2.0.4 for Windows. The Windows version was developed by Akal Interaktif. More data about Akal Interaktif can be seen here. More info about the application Anak Mandiri - Aku Baik Banget 2.0.4 can be seen at . Anak Mandiri - Aku Baik Banget 2.0.4 is usually installed in the C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Programs\Akal\AnakMandiri4 directory, but this location can vary a lot depending on the user's option while installing the application. Anak Mandiri - Aku Baik Banget 2.0.4's complete uninstall command line is C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Programs\Akal\AnakMandiri4\unins000.exe. The application's main executable file is titled AnakMandiri4-DL.exe and its approximative size is 4.38 MB (4589232 bytes).

The following executable files are incorporated in Anak Mandiri - Aku Baik Banget 2.0.4. They occupy 8.73 MB (9153587 bytes) on disk.

  • AnakMandiri4-DL.exe (4.38 MB)
  • unins000.exe (3.05 MB)
  • Aprxdist.exe (154.84 KB)
  • Axdist.exe (784.84 KB)
  • Wintdist.exe (392.34 KB)

The information on this page is only about version 2.0.4 of Anak Mandiri - Aku Baik Banget 2.0.4.

A way to uninstall Anak Mandiri - Aku Baik Banget 2.0.4 from your computer using Advanced Uninstaller PRO

Anak Mandiri - Aku Baik Banget 2.0.4 is an application offered by the software company Akal Interaktif. Sometimes, computer users want to erase this program. This can be troublesome because removing this by hand requires some skill regarding PCs. One of the best SIMPLE way to erase Anak Mandiri - Aku Baik Banget 2.0.4 is to use Advanced Uninstaller PRO. Take the following steps on how to do this:

1. If you don't have Advanced Uninstaller PRO on your system, install it. This is good because Advanced Uninstaller PRO is a very efficient uninstaller and general utility to optimize your computer.


  • go to Download Link
  • download the program by clicking on the DOWNLOAD NOW button
  • set up Advanced Uninstaller PRO
2. Run Advanced Uninstaller PRO. It's recommended to take some time to admire the program's interface and number of tools available. Advanced Uninstaller PRO is a very good Windows optimizer.

3. Click on the General Tools button
Go to General Tools

4. Activate the Uninstall Programs button
Go to Uninstall Programs

5. All the programs installed on your computer will be made available to you

6. Scroll the list of programs until you find Anak Mandiri - Aku Baik Banget 2.0.4 or simply click the Search field and type in "Anak Mandiri - Aku Baik Banget 2.0.4". If it is installed on your PC the Anak Mandiri - Aku Baik Banget 2.0.4 app will be found very quickly. Notice that when you select Anak Mandiri - Aku Baik Banget 2.0.4 in the list , some data about the application is available to you:

  • Safety rating (in the lower left corner). The star rating tells you the opinion other users have about Anak Mandiri - Aku Baik Banget 2.0.4, ranging from "Highly recommended" to "Very dangerous".
  • Opinions by other users - Click on the Read reviews button.
  • Details about the program you are about to remove, by clicking on the Properties button.
For instance you can see that for Anak Mandiri - Aku Baik Banget 2.0.4:

  • The software company is:
  • The uninstall string is: C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Programs\Akal\AnakMandiri4\unins000.exe
7. Press the Uninstall button. A confirmation window will come up. accept the removal by pressing Uninstall. Advanced Uninstaller PRO will then remove Anak Mandiri - Aku Baik Banget 2.0.4.
Uninstall Anak Mandiri - Aku Baik Banget 2.0.4

8. After uninstalling Anak Mandiri - Aku Baik Banget 2.0.4, Advanced Uninstaller PRO will offer to run a cleanup. Click Next to perform the cleanup. All the items that belong Anak Mandiri - Aku Baik Banget 2.0.4 which have been left behind will be found and you will be asked if you want to delete them. By uninstalling Anak Mandiri - Aku Baik Banget 2.0.4 using Advanced Uninstaller PRO, you can be sure that no registry entries, files or folders are left behind on your computer.

Your system will remain clean, speedy and ready to take on new tasks.


The text above is not a piece of advice to remove Anak Mandiri - Aku Baik Banget 2.0.4 by Akal Interaktif from your PC, we are not saying that Anak Mandiri - Aku Baik Banget 2.0.4 by Akal Interaktif is not a good application. This text simply contains detailed info on how to remove Anak Mandiri - Aku Baik Banget 2.0.4 in case you want to. Here you can find registry and disk entries that our application Advanced Uninstaller PRO discovered and classified as "leftovers" on other users' PCs.

2022-02-11 / Written by Dan Armano for Advanced Uninstaller PRO

follow @danarm
Last update on: 2022-02-11 14:20:52.497